It began by pushing the room to the max size Delta could manage. With her DP dipping below 200, the room was closer to a small hall.Delta floated and looked down at the space before her.It was the second large space on the second floor. She closed her eyes and spent some Mana to summon walls. Lots of walls. The design choice grinded loudly until it hit the ceiling and cloaked all sight from one side of the room to another.They were strong walls, thick enough to allow the Pygmies to tunnel through, giving the new digger team something to work on, but with enough space that a person and maybe a small person could stand side by side.It had cost her some DP to push the room to this size and Delta was going to make the most of it. The stone walls began to take shape and straight away Delta had the path split and then split again. Only one true end could be seen from above and so many dead ends but Delta was going to end it there.She added some moss to the walls to give a vibe of an old ruin hidden far away. Delta’s own little labyrinth... hidden inside her jungle... which was kind of a natural labyrinth in itself. She hoped people didn’t cry when they saw the maze...Having the walls so thick meant the Pygmies could easily traverse through and under the maze to arrive at any certain spot but the tunnels looked a little obvious, the moss and creeping vines only hid them so well, so Delta felt the Menu of this room appear. Since it was lacking anything really special, the options for the upgrade were rather simple.

Labyrinth of the Pygmies: May all who enter beware-Replace soil ground with stone. 5 DP-Have the walls carved with legends of the Dungeon, this will make any traps or other hidden functions easier to hide. 5 DP-Have walls shift or relocate to confuse wanderers. 10 DP-Have a fountain of fresh water in one of the dead ends along with a tribute jar. 10 DP-Allow a fruit tree to be found in one of the dead ends. Tribute jar included. 10 DP-Create a mist that covers the floor. Adds atmosphere! 5 DP
