Hob and Gob emptied their buckets and Delta eyed the discarded potato peelings, holey socks, empty cans, and more than a few candy wrappers. The other bucket had the usual collections.“Did you go into the city?” she asked, waiting to hear the goblin’s story before getting upset. Gob shook his head.“Deo! Found us and gave us stuff. He said he’d come back soon,” the goblin grinned, happy to have found some loophole in getting things from the village without actually breaking any of Delta’s rules.Deo... the thing Delta never planned for and most likely could never hope to do so.“That’s fine, great work!” Delta praised, tasting day old potatoes and just a sliver of chocolate.

Poor Chocolate added to the menu!Potato added to the menu!Smelly sock added to the menu! ...t-thank you! ....it smells...different.
