After a short conversation, the friends parted, there was a lot of work to be done for the festival.

At the same time, another newcomer arrived at the guild - Max Alors. The guy was not even given a chance to meet everyone, the Master quickly found him a job and forced him to plow with everyone. At this time, the guild flourished in a special way, everyone's contribution was important!

Although, Makarov seems to have forgotten about Aidan since the last meeting. Maybe he understood that it was better not to touch him for now and give time to learn magic.

Basically, the guy talked with Kana or Gray, sometimes with Natsu, especially during dinner, when he just woke up and left the library. There he often crossed paths with Erza, who always behaved too restrained. At other times, of course, they could not wake him up, so no one climbed. In Fairy Tail, few people read the books, Aidan found it strange, but he was not going to advise anyone.

During this time, the guy more than once thought about the hidden secret of Fairy Tail, about the legendary Fairy Heart. More than once he had a desire to look at him, but he still did not consider himself strong enough. In any case, there would certainly not be much benefit from this.He comprehended a lot of knowledge, he certainly did not learn magic, only some tricks in writing or reincarnation, otherwise he devoted a little time to sleep magic and read a little about the magic of celestial spirits. On about the sixth day of his studies, the guy was even able to understand a little how to control simple fire, although he did not succeed. It seems that the opposite element did not really lend itself to him. It was then that Aidan met with Makarov again. This time the old man decided to give the newbie a couple of tips.

"Magic is not just a simple guy," he said. "Magic is a product of emotions. Have you ever wondered why most wizards have difficult fates? Why do they sometimes lean towards either good or evil? Ordinary people often do the same, but they can share these extremes that the wizard sometimes has no control over.

Aidan then became thoughtful again, he felt something similar during his training in the magic of life and death. Even recently, killing wild boars, he became more and more convinced that the former slight hostility to murder had passed, the blood had ceased to somehow affect him. It became easy for him, like using magic.


"You see, magic depends on our feelings: sometimes from resentment, sometimes from the desire to protect, and sometimes from the purest hatred. These extremes nourish the wizard and, depriving them, he can both lose his powers and nurture them many times if he experiences something even stronger. Sometimes even the mood itself can affect the magic, - explained Makarov with a pensive look, as if trying to feel what was said himself.

Aidan just nodded, he already knew several of these "secrets" from a part, nevertheless he read manga and understood how magic works in this world. But, hearing this from Makarov is still quite different than seeing it from the outside. In general, the old man gave the guy a lot of information for thought. The basis is that magic must not only be understood, but also felt. Feelings will guide her and judging by the instructions of the old man, he wanted to bring up the "right" emotions. Faith, love, friendship, a desire to protect, all this is Fairy Tail, here they taught it and strived for something like that. This faith is the heritage of every generation, their duty is to realize this truth and convey it as clearly as possible for the next generations of wizards.

Fortunately, in addition to philosophical reflections on life and death, Aidan did not forget about the goal. So far, in his Assassin magic, he was really bad, without using magic it is much more difficult to know him. Therefore, he put it off for the future. The master helped him find the right gathering spell. It turned out to be quite complex and required a lot of knowledge of writing, but not so difficult as to forever forget about its knowledge. At least Aidan already knew how to act and which path to take.It was then that he collected the books he needed about different types of magic. Of course, only the basics, because even to master the Solid Word at an intermediate level for a completely clever magician with the ability may take more than one year. Yet magic varies, and so does the skill of magicians. Sometimes it can be even easier to master ancient magic, but again - the main thing here is understanding your own magic. In the same way, magic changes its owner. Therefore, no one almost ever studies a dozen different species, if they do not have a predisposition to them.

Aidan did not indulge himself with special hopes in full knowledge of everything and everyone. He knew he had talents, but he wasn't going to push himself too hard, he just wanted to learn some basics useful for everyday needs or in battle. For example: Writing basics and some expanded understanding of the Sealing Scriptures. This book Makarov dug up somewhere in a distant part of the library, where Aidan did not even think to look. In any case, even with the best hurricane reading glasses, it will take a person at least several years to turn things around here. And on top of that, most likely this is only part of the main reserves of Fairy Tail, it is still unknown what Makarov himself keeps. He probably has the most important things.

Then Aidan grabbed more: Wind Magic for beginners, fire and water, including. There is nothing serious except simple manipulations of these elements, everything in moderation can be useful. Plus some basic illusion and transformation. Aidan decided not to take the personification, since it looked a little more complicated than the transformation and basically did not make much sense if there were illusions. Of course, Aidan did not forget about the basics of sleep magic, teleportation, telepathy, and even rearmament. There were a lot of books, and although he had already read them, in fact he was not averse to turning these books a dozen more times - yet his memory was still quite ordinary. Therefore, you will have to study everything more than once.

After collecting everything he needed, Aidan loaded his backpack, which he brought not so long ago and hit the road. Yesterday he chose a worthy task for himself and decided to go. This time he left in splendid isolation after midnight.


Peeking into the already sleeping Natsu, Aidan turned off the lamp and covered the boy with a blanket, and then took some booze from the bar and said goodbye to several drunks. Now his path lay far from Magnolia to the city of Oshibana. It was there that his next assignment was: to hunt down several thieves and return the stolen jewelry of the Alveri family. There was a possibility that the thieves were magicians, because the task was not easy and the reward was quite consistent. If Gildarts had not left the guild as soon as he came, then this task could well have fallen into his hands. In fact, this is so, in addition to S rank tasks, before leaving, he scored about twenty others, as if he was collecting tinder for a fire.

Fortunately, Aidan looked out for new things every day and successfully hit the target.

As he approached Magnolia Station, Aidan cracked his neck and yawned.

- Yeah, finally, I'll take a walk ... I think next time you can go on a mission with Cana. It's quite fun with her, - perhaps it was with her that Aidan found a common language best of all. There was no conversation about Gildarts yet, but Aidan didn't insist. He tried to cheer Kana up whenever possible and sometimes even acted like a complete fool for this. But, he was not particularly worried, even if he was an adult at heart, he was only glad to pretend if this made Kana smile more often. Yet her smile was just amazing!

Having settled down on the evening train, the young wizard set off on the road, there are still many adventures ahead!
