
A few days later, Aidan crossed mountains and rivers and reached the distant lands of Onslow. On the way, he did not stop, as he felt the very soon approach of the next appeal. In addition, he did not want to contact people. Last time he noticed the special location of the county, it was right on the important border with the country of Seven.

Late in the evening, stopping at a very familiar cave, Aidan chuckled wryly, remembering how for two years he had tried to escape from here, and now he himself returned to this unfortunate place.

- Just like going to my home ... Apart from eleven years in the laboratory, this is the first place where I spent more time than in the guild.

"All according to plan. Even Ikaruga's betrayal will not interfere with my case. Joining Fairy Tail is the smartest thought in my past, as sane as trusting Mavis. Hmm ... Look, if this swordsman decides to betray, she will regret it. Although she knows about the letter, she does not know the contents, and Makarov is one of those who can be relied on. The letter is magical and has long been at the guild walls, in a year everything will be decided ... I warned the old man, he must not let me down. Everything is as it should be ... "- issuing a drawn-out sigh, Aidan clenched his fists in irritation: "It's just not clear where this insecure feeling comes from? It's like a slimy something that prevents you from thinking ... I don't seem to have missed anything. Even with trust, I proceed with caution, Ikaruga is also not a problem, she is just a figure, until she shows her faith in me. But ... Anyway, I think too much, you need to deal with the appeal and already come back. Outside the guild walls, I feel at least a little lighter ... Everything is as shaky as it is annoying! "

After a short nod, Aidan without thinking twice went down to the cave, quickly dismantling the black ice curtain he had left some time ago. Under the dim glare of the stars, he disappeared into the darkness and quickly made his way to the terrifying appearance of the room. Although it was difficult to even call it a room, rather the ruins are a real burrow of the monster. Completely broken stones - from the past statues and the altar with a spear there was no trace left, only in the distance, on a small dais, a passage to the next hall was visible.

After jumping over all the stones, Aidan went exactly there. In the past, he sealed this place with ice, so as soon as he reached the black wall, he immediately placed his palm on a perfectly flat surface. One movement and the dark ice fell into beautiful snowflakes.


The path is finally open.

- Well ... Let's see what you hid there.

Back in the past, Aidan wanted to explore this place. After receiving the spear, he believed that there could be something more valuable to hide here, therefore, until someone else visited it, he would reasonably study everything himself. In the past, he had neither the desire nor the time for this. He just wanted to find a good place and survive another conversion. Two years alone is not the most pleasant time in his life. Then there was a story on Tenryu and here's another return ...

Making his way down the long hallway, Aidan smiled.

- Yes, if you remember, I didn't want to trust Mavis, or rather I did, but ... Those two years have changed a lot, even now it's trembling ... If I'm lucky to find a similar barrier, I can survive the conversion very easily, it will delay me for a long time, maybe a month. This is just enough ... With my current strength, I can break through faster. In case of emergency, Derek helped me ...

Reaching into his shirt pocket, Aidan pulled four small red lacrimas from a small pouch and twirled them in his palm.


- The barrier of four lights ... I read about it in the library. If I install it, I won't be able to remove it myself, and this is in my favor. It is just enough for about six hours ... It is difficult to calculate everything ... Perhaps someone will die. There is no other way, I have about a couple of weeks in stock and then I will no longer be able to restrain myself. Usually I'm in the guise of a madman for about six hours maximum. I will survive this and will be able to live in peace for six months. Although, it would be nice to know something ... If I could strengthen my understanding of magic, it would be even more useful.

As a last resort, Aidan had a special magic - some gift from Mavis ... That is why he was confident in the ability to hold back one appeal. That is why he was not in a hurry, he was not worried, but simply came to this place.

Aidan could not go to other countries, as it made no sense. Without proper knowledge of the area, you can accidentally wander into a populous city and provoke big problems. Distant islands are not a bad option, but there were also disadvantages. For example, in a fit of anger and madness, he could be completely lost in the world or stumble upon problematic enemies like the Chosen of God or magicians of equal strength. In addition, the incident with the massacre of pirates showed this method is not so effective. Moreover, there are not many islands near Fiore, especially such as Tenryu in general. Of course, you can return to Mavis, but ... The fact is that now even she will not be able to contain his strength. On the island, she could show a lot, but in her form of projection, her power was excessively limited. At the moment of the second appeal, Aidan was even able to break free from her protection and showed his excessive rage. Then it became clear that Mavis would no longer be able to restrain him. He became stronger and everything else - the magic somehow adjusted to the sorceress's barrier. Very quickly, he was able to suppress it. That is why he could not rely on anyone, now everything is only in his hands ...

"Even if I come back, she will naturally help me, but this is not an option. Most likely I will break free again and if I get Zeref, I might even die ... I have to do everything myself ... How can I rely on the girl I want to save? Besides, remembering her, I feel helpless ... Without strength and trials, I will achieve little. This time I must reopen the grimoire. "

With the seal of Mavis and the barrier of four lights, Aidan was more than confident in his ability to contain the coming conversion. This is why the location didn't really matter. And it fit better than Magnolia, definitely ....
