"This is like an early Christmas, Squirmie! I can afford to buy Tastes like Anything!"<What?! No, you will not! First, you have to work on your agility! Watching you flop around like drunken larvae is embarrassing>"But Squirmie! Chocolate pudding! Have you ever had chocolate pudding? Think of the pudding! "<Pudding does sound delicious, whatever it is! Please don't make this any harder. Let's just take a look at where you are at. Did you spend all your points from last time yet?>"Yep. Well, most of them. I had some a few left over.""Fine, let's look at agility. If I dump all 1500 experience to AGI, I can get to level 6, but I'll also need to spend a point to increase the cap. Then if I spend 4 enhancement points on Spirit of the Cheetah, I can raise it to 8, and finish it off at 10 using two of my free increases from my class. See? Easy peasy. That leaves more than 10 points for Tastes like Anything."<That leaves one more free point that you have to put into your DEX. This means you will have 4 stats at ten or above. And no more embarrassing flopping around.>"And chocolate pudding!"<And chocolate pudding. I don't even know what it is, but I want it.><But...back to important things. That's not all your points, is it?>"Well, no. I've got 7 left. I hate spending all my points. What if I want something later?"<That's silly. Because you want something now! You want Jagular, Hunt Prey, and Low Crawl. Even a hatchling has Hunt Prey, and everyone should have Low Crawl. Jagular is one of my favorites. Here, look at this part of my sheet.>Taken from Royal Road, this narrative should be reported if found on Amazon.Rolly's eyes narrowed, and he was suddenly much more interested in spending points. "And you have all those, so I'm betting that you think they'll be symbiotic. Smart Bug."<You understand. Smart Human.>

[Symbiosis has allowed you to gain the skill: Low CrawlCost 2 points. This is a Primary AGI skill.Slowly and silently move up on your prey, hugging the terrain to not alert them and remaining undetected.Because both Pet and Master have this ability, this skill is treated as one rank higher, increasing speed and decreasing chance of detection.]

[Symbiosis has allowed you to gain the skill: Hunt Prey.Cost 3 points This is a Primary Perception SkillDetect the signs and smells of prey creatures in your area. Because both Pet and Master have this ability, this skill is treated as one rank higher, increasing speed and decreasing chance of detection.]

[Symbiosis has allowed you to gain the skill: JagularCost 2 points. This is a secondary CHA ability. Dive at your prey while shouting "Halooo!" and gain a large chance of both surprise and critical hits, as the freeze in place. Because both Pet and Master have this ability, this skill is treated as one rank higher, increasing speed and decreasing chance of detection.]
